Friday, November 30, 2007

hmm. thoughts.

i'm ready for it all. i want somebody to be there for me and the feeling can be mutual. why does it all have to be so complicated? where i'm boys/men approach you and make you feel like they WANT to pursue you. here is like they want you to find them. they want the female to make the extra effort but when they know deep down that they found a good one they push her away. why do boys do that?
i want something with longevity. something that i don't have to worry about silly shit because in the long run i'm what he needs and he is what i need. i was thinking that movies aren't really realistic. think about it... boy meets girl, boy plays girl out, girl returns the favor, they both reach an epiphany about one another, they fall in love, and BOOM the magic happens. what relationship worked out like that? none that i have been in. ugh.

its has also come to my attention that girls these days are getting desperate. like i know i want a relationship, but i want a meaningful on. i don't want one that will result in the other person feeling trapped. that seems to be everybody's M.O. like they want who they want and nobody else matters. the train is gonna run right over anything that stands on the track. people get hurt, attitudes change, everything just goes haywire. but for what for some extra attention? just to stick around after being dismissed? it is sad and i don't like it.
everything around me is going into a spiral of awkwardness. i'm over here beasting on everybody and even the ones that i love because i got hurt. i got caught in the crossfire and what the hell do i get left with? zip, zilch, nada. again ugh.

chris brown is sexy and i think we would make a perfect this christmas was GREAT!
the bee movie, also wonderful.
a must see if it hasn't already been seen.

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